Learn the Value of Kaufman County Homes
Established in 1848, Kaufman County was named for the U.S. Representative from Texas, David S. Kaufman. The famous painting, The Approaching Herd, was inspired by the area after artist, Frank Reaugh, moved there from Illinois in 1876. And now there are an estimated 146,000 people living there, so there’s an abundance of housing data if you wish to learn your home’s current market value. Order a Kaufman County Real Estate CMA Home Value Report for property located in Combine, Crandall, Dallas, Forney, Kaufman, Mesquite, Seagoville, Talty, Terrell, Kemp, Mabank, Oak Grove, Oak Ridge, Post Oak Bend, Scurry, Grays Prairie, Rosser, Elmo, and Travis Ranch.
Get Your Kaufman County Home Value

All of our reports are human reviewed. We do not use AVMs (automated valuation models). Therefore, we guarantee the accuracy to be within +/-5% of an officially sealed appraisal within 30 days.
No Realtor Referrals, Just Results in 24 Hours
It’s Texas, we get it, but don’t sweat it, we are not in the business of sharing any information with a Realtor. Our job is to manually research and evaluate your subject property to provide an accurate estimated value. You will receive your home value report within 24 hours directly from us, an independent source of information that is not affiliated with (or influenced by) any real estate sales associates or brokers.
Comparative Market Analysis
In addition to the more popular cities, we also provide our services to the smaller suburban and rural areas such as Ables Springs, Abner, Becker, Cartwright, Cedar Grove, Cedarvale, Cobb, College Mound, Colquitt, Frog, Gastonia, Heartland, Hiram, Jiba, Lawrence, Lively, Lone Star, Markout, McCoy, Ola, Peeltown, Poetry, Prairieville, Rand, Stubbs, Styx, Tolosa, Union Valley, Warsaw, and Wilson.
Get our real estate CMA-based multi-page report today featuring property characteristics and details along with images, aerial maps, lot dimensions, comparable sales, MLS list prices and closing archives, tax assessed history, owner of recorded deed, etc.