Jones Creek Home Value Reports
About 5 miles long and 2 miles wide, the Village of Jones Creek is located along Highway 36. You can find the original grave of Stephen Austin in the Gulf Prairie Cemetery there, but be careful of the speed traps. Over 2,000 people currently live within its limits so there’s almost 800 households. If you need a comparative market analysis, we do sell Jones Creek TX Real Estate CMA Home Value Reports for any house zoned for:
Brazosport Independent School District
Jones Creek Real Estate Appraisal Estimates (Not AVMs)
If you’re ever browsing around on Zillow, take a close look at how much property data is missing or incorrect. This is why we developed a product that outperforms automated valuation models (AVMs) by simply delivering a property appraisal emulation assembled by people, not programs. That’s correct, our reports are drafted and executed by living persons with years of experience, not algorithms that can’t tell the age or condition of something as simple as a kitchen.
Thinking of Buying or Selling in Jones Creek?
We are a big fan of licensed appraisers, but before you break out the checkbook, you might want to discover in advance of what may be said about your house’s value. Click on the Sample Report here for an in depth look at our premium report version. All of our home value report types include an unbiased estimated value loaded with detailed property features, images, mapping, lot size, comps, MLS listing prices, tax assessed history, owner of record, etc.
Jones Creek Comparative Market Analysis

Our guarantee: All of our reports and estimates are human generated. We do not use AVMs (automated valuation models). Therefore, we guarantee the accuracy of our valuations to be within +/-5% of an official appraisal within 30 days of our report or it’s on us.
Jones Creek TX Property Appraisal Resources
Government Offices
Real Estate Agents
Jones Creek Tenant Screening
Manage your rental with the best credit report and criminal record tenant screening services for small landlords and agents.