Rangerville TX Property Appraisal CMA Estimates

Fast Home Value Reports

CameronRangerville Home Value Reports

Located on Farm Road 1479, Rangerville was named for a Texas Ranger camp by the Old Military Rd that was made during the Mexican War. It began as an agricultural community that was eventually incorporated in 1958, but collects no taxes and provides no services. Less than 300 people reside there in about 75 households, so there’s not much of a real estate market. Regardless, if you want to obtain a comparative market analysis, see the button below to order your own Rangerville Island TX Real Estate CMA Home Value Report for any property zoned for:

San Benito Consolidated Independent School District
South Texas Independent School District

Rangerville Real Estate Appraisal Estimates (Not AVMs)

If a margin of error of more than 20% is too much for you when trying to figure out the value of residential real estate, then you’ll love our services because our margin of error is less than 5%. So how can we be so accurate? That’s easy, our volume allows us to avoid the many flaws of automated valuation models (AVMs) because all of our reports are carefully reviewed by human eyes that can spend up to an hour assembling the finished file. Everyday, this task is undertaken by our very own experienced processors, not software that’s unable to determine the effective age of a house.

Thinking of Buying or Selling in Rangerville?

If you’re thinking about making a move in the San Benito Consolidated or South Texas Independent School Districts, get our market value estimates of property before you attempt to negotiate. Look over our Sample Report to see what our appraisal emulation offers. Each home value report includes an unbiased estimated value stacked with property details, satellite images, maps, lot dimensions, sales comps, MLS listing prices, tax assessed history, owner information, etc.

Rangerville Comparative Market Analysis

Entire US Home Value Report
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Our guarantee: All of our reports and estimates are human generated. We do not use AVMs (automated valuation models). Therefore, we guarantee the accuracy of our valuations to be within +/-5% of an official appraisal within 30 days of our report or it’s on us.

Rangerville TX Property Appraisal Resources

Government Offices


Real Estate Agents

Rangerville Tenant Screening

Don’t take quiet rural communities for granted, tenant screening services should be used to check out quiet renters too.