Melissa Home Value Reports
Offering small-town living with big city amenities, the City of Melissa offers some of the finest home builders and developers. Even though the community’s history reaches far back in to the late 1800’s, the modern day version didn’t really blossom until the 2,000’s. In fact, Melissa High School graduated their first class of 46 students in 2007 when there were just a few thousand residents. Today, there are more than 14,000 people living there, so if you’re interested in this small town and need a comparative market analysis, we’re ready to provide you a Melissa TX Real Estate CMA Home Value Report for any property near:
Berry Farms
Chapel Trails
Country Ridge
Creek Crossing
Dew Babb
Eastwood Unrec
Fireside Village
Hunters Creek
Hunters Ridge
Legacy Ranch
Magnolia Ridge
Meadow Run
North Creek
Polly Ann Boone
Samuel Burton
The Quarry
Trails of Melissa
Villages of Melissa
William Fitzhugh
William Sanders
Melissa Real Estate Appraisal Estimates (Not AVMs)
Our top priority is to get it right, so we strive to outperform automated valuation models (AVMs) like they’re going out of style. You know the ones that display estimated values on real estate sites, right? Next time, take a close look and see how far off the estimates are because some very important property details like the living area square footage are often left blank or include the garage and porch area. So instead of using bad data to render bad estimates, we research the property characteristics and features until we’re satisfied they’re correct. Then we will spend the time to assess the property by comparing it against comparable sales and other market data. It’s not unusual for us to spend an hour to show you the money.
Thinking of Buying or Selling in Melissa?
Browsing for houses zoned for the Melissa Independent School District? Or are you looking to sell one? Review our Sample Report images to see what an appraisal emulation offers and then order one for yourself before you accept or place an offer. Each home value report showcases an unbiased estimated value replete with property details, satellite images, maps, lot dimensions, sales comps, MLS listing prices, tax assessed history, owner information, etc.
Melissa Comparative Market Analysis

Our guarantee: All of our reports and estimates are human generated. We do not use AVMs (automated valuation models). Therefore, we guarantee the accuracy of our valuations to be within +/-5% of an official appraisal within 30 days of our report or it’s on us.
Melissa TX Property Appraisal Resources
Government Offices
Real Estate Agents
Melissa Tenant Screening
Easy to use tenant screening services that give landlords the best tools in the rental industry.