Krugerville Home Value Reports
The City of Krugerville was incorporated in 1973 after the community began its development in the mid 1960’s. It now boasts an exceptional school system, safe neighborhoods, and low taxes. Today, there are approximately 1,900 residents making up over 600 households. Even with a small number of homes, investors and homeowners are still able to obtain a comprehensive comparative market analysis by ordering our Krugerville TX Real Estate CMA Home Value Report for any property zoned for:
Aubrey Independent School District
Krugerville Real Estate Appraisal Estimates (Not AVMs)
Many fields of data are often missing or reported wrong for automated valuation models (AVMs) and unless they are corrected for the subject property and comparable sales, the estimates are useless. We see this a lot of sites offering estimates like Zillow. Our service is different because we actually try to emulate the value of what an appraiser would likely say. So the very first thing we do is ask you specific questions about the subject property, its details and whether there have been any significant improvements (or if any are needed). Then we take that information and modify any reported data before we attempt to perform an assessment. It’s a very serious process involving a pair of human eyes, not algorithms.
Thinking of Buying or Selling in Krugerville?
Obtain a home value report by email within 24 hours. Get property details, images, aerial imagery, lot dimensions, comparable sales, MLS listing prices, tax history, ownership, etc. for any property in the Aubrey Independent School District. Take a second and review the Sample Report so you can see how we format our data and estimated market value. When you’re ready to sell or purchase a house, we’re ready to give you a genuine opinion of how much it will likely appraise.
Krugerville Comparative Market Analysis
![Krugerville Comparative Market Analysis](
Our guarantee: All of our reports and estimates are human generated. We do not use AVMs (automated valuation models). Therefore, we guarantee the accuracy of our valuations to be within +/-5% of an official appraisal within 30 days of our report or it’s on us.
Krugerville TX Property Appraisal Resources
Government Offices
Real Estate Agents
Krugerville Tenant Screening
Tenant screening services are free as long as you charge a standard application fee like most landlords.