Southside Place Home Value Reports
Did you know “Southside Place, TX” is not an acceptable address format for the U.S. Postal Service? All mail directed to addresses within its limits must use Houston as the City. This community first opened in 1925 and hasn’t sustained much growth over the years. Its current population is only 1,900 shared among 55o households. Regardless, there’s a stabile housing market for investing. If you would like to learn how much a house is worth there, order a South Houston TX Real Estate CMA Home Value Report which features a comparative market analysis for any parcel zoned for the Houston Independent School District.
Southside Place Comparative Market Analysis

Our guarantee: All of our reports and estimates are human generated. We do not use AVMs (automated valuation models). Therefore, we guarantee the accuracy of our valuations to be within +/-5% of an official appraisal 30 days after our report or it’s on us – that’s called “banking on it” 🙂
Southside Place Real Estate Appraisal Estimates (Not AVMs)
Homeowners and investors should ignore estimated values on major real estate sites because they use an automated valuation model (AVM). This is software that unknowingly relies on inaccurate property listings. For example: If a sales comp fails to report the extra living area from a finished basement, it would artificially inflate the cost per square foot because of the smaller living area. Fortunately, we developed a manual home value report which offers an accurate appraisal emulation because we will manually research and interpret property details, photos, lot dimensions, sales comps, listing data, tax history, and vital statistics. See our Sample Report today if you’re thinking of buying or selling a home zoned for the Houston Independent School District.
Southside Place TX Property Appraisal Resources
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Southside Place Tenant Screening
The most trusted tenant screening services for landlords renting out homes and apartments.